Learning for Sustainability (LfS) 4C’s Events
In-person workshops and online sessions to develop guidance and indicators for Target 2030 – Sustainable Learning Settings are being held during February and March. Find out more and book your place.
QMU wins Inspiring Learning Places Award at Learning Places Scotland 2024!
Congratulations to Patrick Boxall (Lecturer in Education) and the Queen Margaret University team, winning the category for 'Inspiring Learning Places at the Learning Places Scotland Awards. This was the only nature-based project to win, and the QMU Wee Forest was a key part of the nomination.
Plants, architecture, and pedagogy in contemporary green schools
Re-naturalizing the built environment. Plants, architecture, and pedagogy in contemporary green schools (L Chiesi et al. - Frontiers in Sustainable Cities) discusses the essential need of re-naturalizing the built environment, focusing on schools.
Learning Places Scotland Conference – includes use of school and city greenspaces
This event takes place over two days from the 19th - 20th November and hosts attendees from every level of the education sector in Scotland. Speakers will discuss details of what we see in a modern educational setting and talk about recommended practices in design and delivery. Speakers include Sue [...]
Learning Places Scotland 2024 in conversation with….
This brand-new “In Conversation With” Series aims to give you an insight into what Learning Places Scotland is all about, the people involved and their insights into the sector. Hosted by James Lee CEO & Co-Founder of STEP CONNECT2, listen to a whole host of education influencers, with new episodes [...]
Do Scottish schools align with the Green schools quality standard?
The publication of the Green school quality standard by UNESCO is an important first step towards the goal of greening 50% of schools in all countries by 2030. How can existing accreditation organisations join the movement to align to the standard?
Getting it right for every child
The Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) has shared this video. Beatlie Campus in Livingston is an award-winning school for pupils with additional support needs living in the West Lothian Council area. The Campus was delivered through the Leaning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) which the SFT manage on behalf of Scottish Government [...]
Learning Places Scotland conference 19 – 20 November 2024
Checkout this year’s conference programme, which is now live. This year's Conference Programme on the theme: Maximising Opportunities across the Learning Estate. It includes sessions on green spaces in cities and school grounds and sustainable learning environments.