
29thAugust 2024

Making access to nature equal for all children – stories from the U.S.

29.08.24|Categories: Miscellaneous, Places|Tags: , , , |

Nature Everywhere Communities/ CCCN share news national news stories highlighting the importance of equitable access to nature for all children. This includes: How greener schoolyards benefits kids - and the whole community (Grist, 14 August 2024) Milwaukee’s green schoolyards gain national attention (19 August 2024) How time in nature builds [...]

4thJuly 2024

Scorching schoolyards: California groups want more trees, less asphalt at schools

04.07.24|Categories: Places|Tags: , , , |

Greenspace Scotland have shared this article describing how schoolyards are hot and getting hotter. Researchers and advocates are pushing the state to allocate money for green schoolyards, which can include trees, grass or gardens in place of asphalt or rubber play surfaces at most schools. Find this story and more [...]

4thJuly 2024

Stronger Starts funds Selkirk school sensory garden

04.07.24|Categories: Places, Resources|Tags: , |

Greenspace Scotland share how Selkirk High School staff and pupils have transformed an area of unused waste ground on the school grounds into a blooming nurture sensory garden with relaxing areas to enjoy the outdoors and observe wildlife. Find this story and more in Greenspace Scotland Monthly e bulletin June [...]