Local School Nature Grants are back for 2025 — with a difference!
Learning Through Landscapes LTL announce that applications are only open for one round until 4 April! Don't miss out on your chance to get quality staff training and outdoor equipment! Find out more and apply here.
Scottish School Grounds Survey 2025 launched!
Professor John McKendrick is conducting the 2025 Scottish School Grounds Survey in partnership with Learning through Landscapes, Play Scotland and NatureScot. The survey is being distributed to all schools in Scotland in January, gathering data on the provision and use of school grounds. Schools who participate will be entered into [...]
Nature Discovery Map launches for Scottish schools!
NatureScot have announced (21 November 2024) that teachers and pupils across Scotland are being invited to join a national journey of nature discovery, as an exciting new digital support for learning outdoors is announced.
Primary school pupils embrace environmental stewardship
The Green Team share an update on their work with Frogstone Primary School via a Cornell University PhD student’s research into Environmental Stewardship in young children.
How green schoolyards create economic value
The Children & Nature Network describe how nature-filled schoolyards – or green schoolyards – provide a wealth of well-documented benefits for children’s health, well-being and learning. A growing number of communities also recognize the role of green schoolyards in supporting climate resilience. A new report, “How Green Schoolyards Create Economic [...]
Are our school playgrounds being wrapped in cotton wool?
School Outdoor Learning share the issues around risk-averse school grounds by signposting this earlier article posted in The Conversation (25 June 2015). It celebrates the opportunities provided by loose-parts play.
Outdoor Essentials Grant
School Outdoor Learning offer this grant opportunity for secondary schools, which aims to boost outdoor learning provisions for older pupils across the UK. It's worth up to £1000 towards school grounds improvements, transport to outdoor learning spots or wellies and waterproofs. Apply here (However, note that schools within hub areas [...]
Planting Trees in Small Spaces – the low plastic way
Tree planting season is here! This useful NHS Forest article (18 July 2024) is equally applicable if you are considering planting trees in school grounds or gardens. Check out their article on Low-plastic tree planting (11 June 2024) as well!