
17thDecember 2024

Falkirk Pupils’ Climate Summit

17.12.24|Categories: Places|Tags: , , , |

Stride, the Global Citizenship magazine for schools, shares how eco groups across Falkirk council demonstrated their resilience and activism despite the challenges of the climate emergency. Discover how they formed an inspirational pupil-led climate summit at Braes High School in September. Action included the creation of willow sculpture work within [...]

4thJuly 2024

Mucky, Messy and Marvellous

04.07.24|Categories: Events, Resources|Tags: , , , |

If you enjoyed the Royal Highland Show  this year, hopefully you didn’t miss Peatland ACTION’s activities in The Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) Centre. Read more about engaging children with Peatland ACTION in this NatureScot post (21 June 2024).

9thApril 2024

Nature of Scotland awards back for 2024!

09.04.24|Categories: Events|Tags: , , , |

Enter your own project or nominate the work of others in the Nature of Scotland awards by 28 May to highlight achievements for people and nature. The 10 award categories include a Youth Action Award which is open to groups of young people aged under 25 who are taking action [...]

6thDecember 2023

JOIN the inspiring movement for change to reach Target 2030!

06.12.23|Categories: Events|Tags: , , , |

Education Scotland, Scottish Government and a wide range of national partners joined forces with Carrick Knowe Primary on 6th December to issue a national Call to Action for People, Planet and Prosperity. The ambitious goal is to build an inspiring movement for change to realise the ambition of Scotland’s refreshed [...]

21stSeptember 2023

“Target 2030”: a movement for people, planet and prosperity – Scotland’s Learning for Sustainability Action Plan 2023-2030

21.09.23|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , , |

The Knowledge Exchange has shared the Scottish Government’s new Learning for Sustainability (LfS) Action Plan. Read about the context behind the new plan, including the initial development of the term ‘Learning for Sustainability’, which was coined in Scotland in the early 2010s and has since gained traction in other countries [...]

27thJune 2023

Scotland’s Learning for Sustainability Action Plan is now live!

27.06.23|Categories: Events, Resources|Tags: , , , , , |

A refreshed action plan placing sustainability at the centre of the Scottish education system has been launched – including an ambitious commitment to ensure that every school and early learning setting will be sustainable by 2030. This includes a new commitment to take further steps to support Outdoor Learning. Find [...]