Free trees, workshops and CPD from the Tree Council
The Tree Council is looking for 70 new schools or youth groups to work with this year to deliver a Young Tree Champions Trees and More Project. Make a difference to your young people and to the planet! We will provide free trees (fruit or hedgerow), a digital microscope camera, [...]
Royal Society grant scheme, green skills, and other resources
The Royal Society have announced the next deadline for their Partnership Grants Scheme is 30 November. Funding of up to £3000 is available. The next information sessions take place on the 9th and 22nd November. . Check out their engagement map for those schools already engaged across Scotland. Many [...]
National STEM planner
The national STEM fortnightly planner has been developed to highlight exciting events and developments in STEM for practitioners across Scotland. This issue includes the STEM Nation Award, Secondary Science Network upcoming event, COP27, Meet the STEM Partners event and much more. Search the planner with key words, for example - [...]
Outdoor learning resources
School Outdoor Learning have signposted a free list of outdoor learning resources put together by The Ernest Cook Trust and Pendle Hill Landscape Partnership Scheme, as part of the Forest of Bowland AONB. Please note as this is developed in England, some of the references are not applicable to Scottish [...]
Sign up to Outdoor Classroom day!
Learning Through Landscapes has reminded us about Outdoor Classroom Day on 3rd November. Need some ideas on how to celebrate? Browse LTL’s free outdoor lesson ideas for a range of curriculum led outdoor activities! Alternatively, why not combine Outdoor Classroom Day with the Global Schools Action Day for COP27?
Climate Action Week – September 2022
Timed with the Scottish Government’s Climate Week, a full week of lessons, stories and activities on climate change and climate action. Sessions for EY-P1, Upper Primary and Secondary. Register your class now. This event is one in a series of Live Lessons offered by Eco-schools Scotland.
Clean Air Day Thursday 9th June 2022, 4pm-5pm
This interactive session from Transform Our World, introduces educators to a range of free schools' resources they can use to celebrate Clean Air Day and support their journeys to improve air quality with their school community.
STEM Nation Award Launch, resources and training
This STEM Nation blog page shares information and resources including information on the STEM Nation Award programme for 22/23, professional learning opportunities, resources and more. This includes an interactive STEM Resources directory .