Be young, be environmental, be happy
To mark Scottish Careers Week, NatureScot Sustainable Development Officer Grace Gubbins and her fellow members of the Young Employee Panel in NatureScot are grabbing the opportunity to highlight the voices of young employees across the organisation. Read this post in Scotland’s Nature (15 November 2024) on to hear young people’s experiences [...]
Primary school pupils embrace environmental stewardship
The Green Team share an update on their work with Frogstone Primary School via a Cornell University PhD student’s research into Environmental Stewardship in young children.
Results in for the Great UK WaterBlitz 2024!
During 20-23 September, Earthwatch UK received over 2,300 data points from over 4,500 citizen scientists. The Guardian (21 October 2024) also shared this story. The key findings: 61% of data points showed poor water quality with significant regional variation Data show the Anglian and Thames river basin districts have the [...]
Scotland’s industrial greenhouse gas emissions decreased during 2023
SEPA have published (01 October 2024) this year’s Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory (SPRI) data, which shows a 13.5% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions at SEPA regulated sites between 2022 and 2023. The information and data may be useful for environmental studies students.
How does pollution affect pollinators?
Read this article in Scottish Pollinators (17 October 2024) to find out: Fair is foul, and foul is fair: hover through the fog and filthy air (The Weird Sisters)
Fish migration trial a splashing success
Ever wondered how fish manage to navigate through hydro schemes? Watch this SEPA video to find out more about this innovative project to help fish migration along the River Dee.
Sign up for the September WaterBlitz!
The Great UK WaterBlitz is a biannual campaign by Earthwatch. It calls on everyone to go out and test the quality of their local freshwater including rivers, streams and lakes. This helps to build a national picture of water quality across the UK. Sign up to the next Great UK WaterBlitz taking [...]
Environmental monitoring data guide videos
If you need long term environmental monitoring data but aren’t sure what is available or how to access it, why not look at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology’s new data guide videos? This might be a useful teaching resource for secondary and tertiary educators. Guides are available for [...]