The power of young people in nature recovery
A member of Youngwilders shares the importance of youth involvement in the mission to accelerate nature recovery in the UK.
New website for Species on the Edge!
Checkout the Species on the Edge webpages. This includes information on the Youth Panel and Citizen Science opportunities. Why not get involved, if you are a school in one of the Species on the Edge coastal and island areas?
Calling all youth ages 8-18, and educators!
Do you enjoy writing, art and photography? Can you use your skills to highlight the importance of biodiversity on land and under water and promote global sustainability? These are the Sustainable Development Goals 14 & 15 - Life below Water, and Life on Land. Check out previous entries in the [...]
Peer perspectives: the role of youth advisor investigators in school mental health research
This study is led by a Research Associate at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit in the School of Health and Wellbeing at the University of Glasgow. It explores how schools, their surroundings, buildings, and social interactions affect young people's mental health. Claire Goodfellow, members of the SOCITS [...]
Join Youthlink Scotland’s co-design group for evidencing the impact of youth work
Youthlink Scotland have received major funding award to champion youthwork in education, to co-design some simple online tools for impact measurement, built around the National Youth Work Outcomes and Skills Framework. At this stage, Youthlink Scotland are looking to identify 6 youth work teams in different parts of Scotland to be [...]
Young Sea Changers Scotland – Community Gathering 7 Sept 2024, Dundee
Young Sea Changers Scotland are inviting young people (aged 16 – 25) from across Scotland to come together for a day of training, workshops and celebration of Scotland’s seas and the inspiring people who stand up for them. Find out how to join the event, including support for travel costs [...]
Youth Awards and Personal Achievement event 11 Sept 2024
This Youth Work and Schools Collaborative event will explore how youth work, youth awards and schools can collaborate in the design and delivery of a curriculum that offers young people opportunities for personal learning and skills development. The session will be jointly facilitated by YouthLink Scotland, Education Scotland and the [...]
#YOUTH4NBS is a social media campaign organised by NBS EduWORLD launching on 1 July. The campaign supports young people post about nature-based solutions and their benefits on their social media channels. Download the campaign toolkit to find out how you can get involved.