
2ndOctober 2024

Early Years Literacy and Maths activities outdoors

02.10.24|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , , , , |

The Dumfries and Galloway OWL group have recently published two new resources: Taking Literacy Outdoors with Your Child and Taking Maths Outdoors with your Child. In these resources, activities and ideas have been brought together for early years settings, parents and carers of children to inspire and help develop literacy and maths skills [...]

25thMay 2023

Maths in Ecology – a skills guide for biologists

25.05.23|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , , , , , |

The British Ecological Society (BES) offer Maths skills for biologists. This is a 12 page guide developed with the Field Studies Council aimed at students and teachers of 16-19 Biology. The resource covers areas including mathematical and statistical skills, planning field investigations, specific statistical tests and data presentation. This guide can also [...]

25thJanuary 2023

How spatial thinking could help children learn maths – and go on to use it in their careers

25.01.23|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , , |

This article in The Conversation (24 January 2023) explores the value of spatial thinking, with links to useful resources. Outdoors is of course a great context for learning and play around spatial reasoning. This will help children understand location, dimensions and properties of objects on both a small and large [...]

24thMay 2022

How do you count gull nests – with a bag of flour of course!

24.05.22|Categories: Places, Research, Resources|Tags: , , , , , , , |

This post by Forvie National Nature Reserve (15 May 2022) shares the story of how the annual census of Forvie’s Black-headed Gull colony is carried out. Check out ' 25 kilograms of flour and 6,000 eggs'.  It also shares a lot of numbers! This provides a great opportunity to introduce [...]

13thOctober 2021

Maths Week Scotland – sketchnote

13.10.21|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , |

Education Scotland have shared this early level sketchnote to generate discussion on learner progress and consider ways to enrich learning experiences. Spot all the outdoor opportunities illustrated here! A first and second level sketchnote will be available soon.

22ndSeptember 2021

#Show your working

22.09.21|Categories: Miscellaneous, Resources|Tags: , , |

The theme for Maths Week Scotland 2021 is 'Our World', to explore the importance of maths in relation to the climate emergency, and find the maths in the world around us. This pack describes the #ShowYourWorkingTwitter campaign and provides useful resources to support your involvement.