World Ocean Day Live 2022 8th June 2022
Encounter Edu have partnered with AXA Ocean Education and World Ocean Day for Schools to celebrate World Ocean Day. They are providing a range of live lessons and activities to help young people connect with and protect their local blue spaces.
Learning for a Sustainable Future
This MOOC supported by LfS Scotland, University of Edinburgh and the British Council is running again in 2022! Join a personal and professional global learning journey towards a sustainable future. What on Earth could be more important?
Citizen Science Projects: How to Make a Difference
This citizen science online course has been developed by University of Dundee and WeObserve. Discover how to build your own citizen science project. Use this to address global challenges and create positive change.
Can’t attend COP26 in Glasgow?
Why not join virtually by subscribing to the COP26 YouTube channel ?
Biodiversity: Life In Scotland – digital sessions for primary pupils
Make a date with National Museums Scotland for your P4-7 pupils! Learn about four different ecosystems in Scotland through objects, games and microscopic imagery in these free 25 minutes sessions, on 28 October and 2 November.
Taking History Outdoors: Secondary
This online course (costed) offered by Learning Through Landscapes introduces history practitioners to simple ways to take and develop some core history activities outdoors, with ideas that can be adapted for all secondary levels and stages.
Learning for a Sustainable Future MOOC
Are you an educator or person interested in sustainability? Register your interest now for the free massive open online course by the University of Edinburgh, LfS Scotland and the British Council. This starts in October 2021 and live during the UN COP26 Climate Conference.
Taking Maths Outdoors: Early Years
This online training course from Learning Through Landscapes aims to help you to make the most of the outdoors to develop maths skills in the early years.