27thJune 2024

Climate School 180

27.06.24|Categories: Resources, Training|Tags: , |

Climate School 180 is Learning through Landscapes’ new climate-focused initiative. The project aims to develop and share a better understanding of how schools can implement quality climate education, alongside providing first-hand experience of creating nature-based solutions to climate change in the school grounds. Working in partnership with many organisations, including [...]

2ndMay 2024

Climate School 180 open to applications

02.05.24|Categories: Resources, Training|Tags: , , , , |

Climate School 180 is Learning through Landscapes’ new climate-focused initiative. The project aims to develop and share a better understanding of how schools can implement quality climate education, alongside providing first-hand experience of creating nature-based solutions to climate change in the school grounds.   Working in partnership with many organisations, including [...]