How do you change a forest back to a bog?
Read this post on Scotland’s Nature (13 September 2024) to find out!
Why Raised bogs Wobble
With 2024 shaping up to be one of the wettest summers on record, now seems like a good time to explain why rainfall is so important for raised bogs – and how it makes them wobble. Curious? Check out this post in Scotland’s Nature (30 August 2024).
Nothing bog standard about this Scottish peat bog!
This blog post in Scotland’s Nature(2 August 2024) shares the announcement that The Flow Country had been added to the prestigious list of World Heritage Sites. Discover what is so special about peatlands and why The Flow Country deserves World Heritage status.
Fancy a trip to a peatland?
Scotland’s Nature blog post (19 July 2024) We’re all Going on a Peatlands Holiday describes how there is plenty to enjoy on a visit to a bog. It shares sites across Scotland so somewhere there is a bog nature reserve near you! These are also fantastic places for learning and education to [...]
Could bogs help you live forever?
This Scotland’s Nature post by NatureScot (5 April 2024), describes the special relationship we have with our peat bogs. Read on to discover more! Want to live forever, cure your warts or never need another plaster? Than look after your local bog.
New film spotlights the benefits of healthy peatlands
A new Peatland ACTION film has just been released that highlights the landscape-scale benefits of peatland restoration across Ben Wyvis and the River Peffrey. This is one of a suite of Peatland ACTION case studies that focus on landowners, managers, and contractors explaining in their own words why they think peatland [...]
Bringing Peatland ACTION to life
This blog post on Scotland’s Nature (9 February 2024) shares the reasons peatland restoration is so important, the benefits that it can bring, and the dedication of the landowners, managers, Peatland ACTION project officers, surveyors and contractors who make it all happen. Checkout 4 new cases studies in bogs and [...]
The Flow Country – Land of the Gael
In this NatureScot post (3 November 2023) , Roddy Maclean describes how the Gaelic language dominates the toponymic landscape of the ‘most intact and extensive blanket bog system in the world’. Leugh ann an Gàidhlig / Read in Gaelic