Peatland ACTION case studies on film
Interested in management to discover what goes on to restore our peatlands and the range of skills needed? Discover more about conservation land management and through this Peatland ACTION video series from NatureScot. You can also watch Filming Peatland ACTION case studies - behind the scenes - with subtitles to [...]
Green careers that we can all dig
Read this post in Scotland’s Nature (5 November 2024). Ahead of this week's Green Careers Week, The NatureScot Peatland ACTION workforce development team were discovering the digger drivers, ecologists, project designers and surveyors of the future This event was aimed at beginner speakers of Gaelic in early secondary school years. [...]
Peatland Re’hiss’toration for Reptiles
Read this article in Scotland’s Nature (17 October 2024). NatureScot’s Reptile and Amphibian Policy and Advice Officer, Catherine Whatley, gives us an insight into her work on protecting the fascinating snakes and lizards that live on (and in) our peatlands.
How do you change a forest back to a bog?
Read this post on Scotland’s Nature (13 September 2024) to find out!
Filming in the north – who dares wins!
Communicating about nature is part of the story. This post on Scotland’s Nature (23 August 2024) describes how Peatland ACTION’s aim to highlight and share great restoration projects across the country sometimes takes us a long way from home.
What happens on a peatland restoration training course?
Read Restoration Designs for Life (16 August 2024) to find out!
Nothing bog standard about this Scottish peat bog!
This blog post in Scotland’s Nature(2 August 2024) shares the announcement that The Flow Country had been added to the prestigious list of World Heritage Sites. Discover what is so special about peatlands and why The Flow Country deserves World Heritage status.
Fancy a trip to a peatland?
Scotland’s Nature blog post (19 July 2024) We’re all Going on a Peatlands Holiday describes how there is plenty to enjoy on a visit to a bog. It shares sites across Scotland so somewhere there is a bog nature reserve near you! These are also fantastic places for learning and education to [...]