
9thFebruary 2022

Lockdown wellbeing: children who spent more time in nature fared best

09.02.22|Categories: Research|Tags: , , , , |

University of Cambridge research news shares findings from a study (October 2021). This suggests that ‘Children from less affluent backgrounds are likely to have found COVID-19 lockdowns more challenging to their mental health because they experienced a lower connection with nature than their wealthier peers’.

9thFebruary 2022

How green are European cities? Green space is key to well-being of children, but access varies

09.02.22|Categories: Research|Tags: , , , , |

This Child in The City article (02-02-2022) considers socio-economic and demographic inequalities in access to green and blue spaces in European cities. It also includes examples of green spaces that were designed to meet the needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged social groups. The needs of children and young people are [...]