Climate change could overwhelm our sewers – here’s how green infrastructure could help
Cities need to find new ways to handle rainwater, especially in the face of climate change. This article in The Conversation (17 December 2024) describes how green infrastructure offers a way to tackle this challenge.
Nature Towns and Cities
Catch up on Nature Towns and Cities introductory webinars – these covered a huge range of topics and case studies from across the UK showing the role nature can play in creating happier, healthier urban communities.
Trees Myth-busting: A Resource
This NHS Forest document seeks to dispel, with evidence and links to widely available information, some common myths about tree planting. It also shares why trees are a critical part of our infrastructure and how they benefit us.
Rain garden learning journey in West Lothian parks
Greenspace Scotland have shared this raingarden creation story as their ‘Project of the Month’ in their November e-bulletin.
COP26 shines a light on nature-based solutions
This article in The Conversation (9th November 2021) explores COP26: how unlocking nature’s power can help the UK step up its fight against climate change. It describes a range of nature based solutions for flood risk, peatland degradation, agriculture and forestry issues, and improving urban infrastructure, like green roofs.
Nature’s classroom in Clydebank
Once upon a time, Melfort Park on the old St Eunan’s Primary school site in Clydebank, was derelict and vacant. Now it’s a thriving urban community park, and local schools enjoy the facilities the park has to offer. Read how teachers have seized the chance to connect pupils with nature [...]