New project gives Scotland’s rivers £1.8 million boost
The Scottish Wildlife Trust share news about this ambitious new conservation project that will create and restore river woodlands across Scotland. As well as delivering practical conservation work, the project also aims to reconnect communities across Scotland with their river woodlands. This will be achieved through over 1,000 volunteer days [...]
Fish migration trial a splashing success
Ever wondered how fish manage to navigate through hydro schemes? Watch this SEPA video to find out more about this innovative project to help fish migration along the River Dee.
Managing rivers and flooding – demonstration
Check out this great video demonstration shared by River Revivers (3 March 2024) on Facebook. This demonstrates the difference between straightened channels and wiggly channels when it comes to flooding.
A dream job in river restoration
An environmental conservation apprentice shares his work experience in this NatureScot guest blog with Lantra Scotland (14 October 2021). His job is to restore Scotland’s rivers with the Forth Rivers Trust. Find out about his journey into a conservation career, and pick up some tips,