
7thNovember 2023

Shape the future of STEM professional learning – complete this education Scotland online survey!

07.11.23|Categories: Events, Research, Resources|Tags: , , , , |

Education Scotland is inviting practitioners across Scotland to complete our latest Annual STEM (sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics) Professional Learning Survey. This survey should take 7 mins to complete and will close on Monday 18 Dec 2023. The information you provide will help to improve access to high-quality STEM professional [...]

6thJune 2023

Seeking teachers and lecturers for teacher focus groups!

06.06.23|Categories: Events, Miscellaneous|Tags: , , , , |

The Field Studies Council are currently recruiting for primary and secondary teachers and higher education lecturers to join their pool of contacts interested in completing short surveys or focus group discussions. The surveys and discussions will cover outdoor learning, residentials and related topics. Find out more and what this could [...]