The Scottish Government has announced (22 June 2023) the publication of this major report on qualifications and assessment in Scotland.

This includes the creation of a Scottish Diploma of Achievement (SDA), awarded to school leavers when achievements are recognised in each of three elements. The Programmes of Learning element would focus on individual courses, while the Project Learning would focus on learning in practice and may look at areas such as climate change, migration or artificial intelligence while the Personal Pathway would allow a learner to reflect on learning through social, cultural, economic and well-being perspectives.

Project work could align with Learning for Sustainability themes or challenges.

The Diploma, and the evidence within it, will move with the learner to be built on in college, employment, university and the voluntary sector.

Read the report here. Key recommendations are listed in Chapter 7 (p100 +).

Published On: 27.06.23|Tags: , , , , |

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