The Dirt Is Good Project is an award-winning, free programme that empowers students aged 7-14 to unite in compassion and take collective action on the environmental and social causes they care about, whilst contributing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This includes an online library of free resources, including lesson plans, factsheets, worksheets, and assembly packs, to guide students through a student-led, collaborative process of designing and delivering a social action project in their community.

How do you use the #DirtIsGoodProject resources?

  • Delivering 4 core lessons to students to get them to identify their shared values and begin to plan their project.
  • These resources can be used with small or large groups of students throughout the year.
  • Use to support Student Council, Eco projects, or the curriculum with links to PSHE, Science, and Geography.
  • You can use the assembly packs to deliver a session to a whole year group.

What are the benefits of taking part in the #DirtIsGoodProject?

  • Project-based, student-led learning that aligns with many areas of the curriculum and nurtures a sense of togetherness and trust amongst peers.
  • Compliments Learning for Sustainability within the Curriculum for Excellence, and the eight curriculum areas in Scotland.
  • A framework that supports sustainability and climate change teaching.
  • Ready-to-use classroom resources, so you can get started straight away!
  • Flexible delivery throughout the academic year.
  • Students develop their leadership, communication, and teamwork skills by creating and developing their social action projects.

If you have any questions or need further support please email or book a 15-minute call via Calendly here.

Published On: 20.02.24|Tags: , , , , |

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