Environmental monitoring data guide videos
If you need long term environmental monitoring data but aren’t sure what is available or how to access it, why not look at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology’s new data guide videos? This might be a useful teaching resource for secondary and tertiary educators. Guides are available for [...]
National Education Nature Park is one! Take part in webinars to celebrate and plan.
The National Education Nature Park was launched in Spring 2023. This ambitious programme aims to empower children and young people to make a positive difference to both their own and nature’s future. The NBN Trust is a partner in the project in relation to collecting, collating and sharing biodiversity data. [...]
Freshwater datasets available
Explore this data provided by Earthwatch #FreshwaterWatch citizen scientists. Zoom in on the map to find freshwater data near you, and do some real world learning! FreshWater Watchers around the world are uploading valuable data on freshwater quality, including nitrate levels, phosphate levels, turbidity, and visual factors. This data is freely [...]
Grey or Red? Take part in the Great Scottish Squirrel Survey 2- 8 October 2023!
Anyone in Scotland can take part in the Great Scottish Squirrel Survey. Report your sighting here. Why not survey your school grounds and local greenspaces, or look out for squirrels on your walk to and from school? This Squirrel Spotter sheet can help! Areas of known squirrel territory are equally [...]