Bookings are now open for Woodland Ecology and Shelters & Knots courses in various locations in Scotland. Courses will allow participants the opportunity to increase skills and provide many opportunities to ask questions on how to use woodlands for your groups in sustainable and engaging ways. There is no charge for either course.
Please note these courses are ONLY for those that have undertaken Forest Kindergarten training OR are Early Years practitioners.

Dan Pupletts Woodland Ecology courses will held on the following dates and venues:

  • 23rd March Earthtime in Duffus 10-1.30 pm book here 

Kate Hookham’s Shelters and Ropes courses will be held on the follow dates and venues:


More information on each course can be found through the links above. If you require any further information please email

Published On: 10.03.22|Tags: , , , , , , |

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