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Learning Places Conference 2023: NatureScot presentation  – useful links


Learning Places Conference 2023 14- 15 November 2023

Day 2 – 1300 h Sustainable Estate

This session explored the learning opportunities provided through place-based experiences outdoors. This can support learning for sustainability and the skills children and young people need to meet the challenges of a changing world

This was followed by presentations by Greg Mannion, Senior Lecturer in Education – University of Stirling with Claire Ramjan, Lecturer in Outdoor Learning and Learning for Sustainability – University of the West of Scotland, and Matt Robinson, Scotland Director – Learning through Landscapes

Session Chair

Penny Martin, Outdoor Learning Advisor – NatureScot

NatureScot links

NatureScot – website home page

Climate Change – What can you do? – NatureScot information to help ensure a greener, healthier and more resilient Scotland.

Biodiversity – what can you do? – how you can help to enhance biodiversity in your daily life, whether you’re at home, work, or school.

Wee Forests – NatureScot information on the Wee Forest project, supporting tennis court-sized, densely planted and fast growing, native species rich woodland in urban Scotland. This combines the specific Miywaki planting method with long term school and community engagement through citizen science and volunteering. 

Young People – Learning Outdoors and Developing Skills – NatureScot education pages, which includes information on Learning in local greenspace with case studies and educator resources, Outdoor learning at NNRs, NatureScot and Youth Engagement, and more.

NatureScot Research Report 1313 – Teaching, learning and play in the outdoors: a survey of provision in Scotland in 2022 – Mannion, G., Ramjan, C., McNicol, S., Sowerby, M. and Lambert, P. (2023) This survey of outdoor learning builds on two previous surveys funded by NatureScot and partners, which assist us in understanding the duration, focus and locations of provision.

Placemaking and Green Infrastructure – Find out how nature can help create better and more resilient places.

Partner resources

Outdoor Learning Directory – a one-stop shop to outdoor learning services and resources provided by Scottish public bodies for environment, forestry, heritage, and education, including news items from the wider network.

Climate Ready School Grounds – The project offers a suite of resources from Learning Through Landscapes to help schools, local authorities, and design professionals create climate ready school grounds in tandem with Architecture & Design Scotland.

 10,000 Raingardens campaign – The 10,000 Raingardens for Scotland campaign is designed to promote and encourage the use of raingardens as a sustainable and natural way to manage water, particularly in urban areas. It will also support the creation of wildlife friendly, accessible greenspace, reduce pollution, and provide attractive places for people to visit.

Learning for sustainability: action plan 2023 to 2030: Scottish Government, 23 June 2023

Other references

The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review Final Report -Final Report of the Independent Review on the Economics of Biodiversity led by Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, UK Government 2021

#ShowYourStripes  –  Biodiversity and Climate stripes graphics

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