Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science – 11 February
Throughout Tuesday, February 11, hear from WWF scientists and experts from the U.S. and Canada as they showcase their conservation work and explore the important role science has in protecting nature.
Women in STEM – Peatland ACTION leads the way
NatureScot (8 March 2024) celebrated International Women’s Day with some good news! This post shares the fact that 50% of the science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) focussed jobs at NatureScot Peatland ACTION are currently held by women. This bucks the UK statistics, where currently less than 30% of these kinds [...]
Girlguiding Speak Out Campaign 2023 – Own Our Zone
Abby Doyle, a Girlguiding Scotland's Speak Out Champion, explains why their campaign this year is all about improving parks and other public spaces for women and girls, in particular making them safer. Over the last year Make Space for Girls have been working with the Speak Out Champions from Girlguiding [...]
Designing and Developing Outdoor Spaces for Women and Girls – webinar 6th September
Booking is now open for the next Outdoor Recreation Network (ORN) webinar here. This online event will explore how we can make the outdoors and the associated sectors more inclusive for girls and women. This event will include three presentations from leading researchers, thinkers, and activists – as well as [...]
Nature Nurtures: Wild Walks pilot
This report (2023) from Natural England presents the ‘Nature Nurtures: Wild Walks’ project, piloted by London Wildlife Trust and Black Girls Hike. This facilitated and encouraged young women aged between 16 and 25 from Black, Asian and minoritized ethnic backgrounds to engage with nature. The report explores the context around [...]
Women in Forestry Courses
Have you ever wanted to gain more knowledge or skills in Forestry? Funding is now available for women living in Scotland towards selected courses, including chainsaws use and maintenance, arboriculture, Emergency first aid at work + forestry to name a few. This programme provides women working in Forestry, or who [...]
Teen girls get up-close look at work of female scientists
Interested in how an outdoor experience can help young women develop their STEM careers? Check out this article GeoGirls all shook up at Mount St. Helens geology, tech camp published August 2022, in the US publication The Columbian. Also, read how Steam Beans is demystifying nature — and science — [...]