Top tips for growing Yellow Rattle in your wildflower meadow
Are you developing a wildflower meadow in your school grounds, home or local greenspace? August is the perfect time to get sowing certain species - including Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor. Known as the 'Meadow Maker', Yellow Rattle is one of the most important plants you need for a meadow as [...]
Young people help to create wildflower areas in North Lanarkshire parks
Local authorities are becoming much more savvy managing their parks and greenspaces. This post in Scottish pollinators A shift in emphasis (26 January 2023) describes how North Lanarkshire Council has created a series of trial wildflower areas within high profile public parks. Another smart Lanarkshire move has been to encourage the [...]
Discovering plants
Check out these informative blog posts shared by the Grow Wild news team: What leaves reveal about wildflowers Why wildflowers smell UK native plants: The meaning and the misconceptions You've sowed your what?
How to identify wildflowers
Grow Wild share top tips in this blog, wildflower gallery and other resources.