Find out about nature-based jobs! Webinar 7th November 2024
Sign up for this free NatureScot Meet the Professionals webinar 7 November, 5-6pm Hear from professionals working in the nature-based sector, learn about tackling climate change, and how to get that nature-based job!
Free webinar on enhancing learning via environmental projects – 1st Feb 2024
Learning Through Landscapes are offering this free online professional learning event. In this session, you will explore the potential benefits and outcomes of implementing project-based environmental education for your school and wider community.
FSA Wednesday Webinar: The 12 Crafts of Christmas – 13 December 2023 8 – 9.30pm
What's better than sitting in front of a warm fire making delicious and beautiful crafts with eager learners? Learning how to do them yourself! Come along to the Forest School Association’s winter skills share and get into the festive spirit. During the 12 Crafts of Christmas Webinar, 12 creative crafters [...]
Promoting Pro-social & Pro-ecological Behaviours at Forest School
The Forest School Association (FSA) have shared their November webinar recording ‘Promoting Pro-social & Pro-ecological Behaviours at Forest School’ on their Public Archive. FSA Ambassador Jon Cree shares the latest neuroscience and somatic practices focusing on a needs-based approach to working with behaviour.
Practical Guide to Teaching About Climate Change – International webinar 4th December 2023 at 14:00 (CET)
This Teaching Green webinar is intended for primary and secondary school teachers and the professional public. The webinar aims to present materials that teachers can use in the implementation of climate education and to help students understand how global climate change affects our own local environment.
Connecting children and young people with nature – FREE public webinar 28 November
This event on Tuesday 28 November 10:30 – 12:00, showcases initiatives that help children and young people grow a stronger sense of nature connectedness. Sarah White and Suzie Paton from The Ernest Cook Trust will share the work of The OWL Collaboration with a storytelling reel and reflection on the [...]
International lessons on sustainable school grounds – webinar 26 July
Child in the City have shared details about this free webinar taking place July 26th, 2023, 2:00pm - 3:00pm. Join to hear municipal leaders from across the globe gather to discuss lessons learned, promising practices, how greening school grounds helps achieve multiple city goals, and to have your questions answered. [...]
Designing and Developing Outdoor Spaces for Women and Girls – webinar 6th September
Booking is now open for the next Outdoor Recreation Network (ORN) webinar here. This online event will explore how we can make the outdoors and the associated sectors more inclusive for girls and women. This event will include three presentations from leading researchers, thinkers, and activists – as well as [...]