Snow, wind, rain, wind, hail, frost – the perils of filming peatland restoration
This Scotland’s Nature blog (12 April 2024) shares how the Scottish weather makes creating case study films of some of our peatland restoration projects interesting to say the least! It might also be of interest to people who are interested in working in this sector or in the use of [...]
The new tech helping to modernise deer management
From drones to artificial intelligence (AI), new technologies are changing the face of wildlife management. In this Scotland’s Nature blog (16 April 2024), wildlife management officer Nathan Berrie looks at some of the advantages – and limitations – of these new tools for monitoring deer populations.
Futuristic video game shares minoritised ethnic voices to tell the story of a sustainable Scotland
The University of Glasgow shared news of a first of its kind video game. This has been designed to amplify Minoritised Ethnic people’s voices and the role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Scotland’s sustainable future.
Creative responses to art and nature
Check out the Wild Escape Project, which connects art and nature. Find a museum or gallery near you, and explore teacher resources. This project supports children and young people to develop collective digital artwork and interact with natural themes.
Young explorers take on Castle CSI challenge in new learning initiative
Check out this Historic Environment Scotland news article (21 April 2023) which describes new cross-curricular activities and resources, developed in partnership with Glasgow Science Centre. These highlight key aspect technology played in the construction and preservation of Scotland’s historical sites.
More green. Less screen.
The Children and Nature Network share this article (April 2023) on helping children and young people ditch their screens to benefit from outdoor time in nature. Also shared is this article (13 April 2023) on How to Instill a Love of Nature in Your Kids, is also signposted. This provides [...]
Children and teenagers can carry out valuable wildlife research – here’s how
Discover more in this article in The Conversation (6 March 2023). In one project, researchers looked at young people’s involvement with iNaturalist, a popular nature app. They found that the young people using the app contributed to quality wildlife monitoring at the same rate as adults, with the support of iNaturalist’s online [...]
Towns and cities resources showcasing nature based solutions
The Scottish Wildlife Trust have collated a number of examples, case studies and useful resources for urban nature-based solutions, demonstrating the challenges we face that can be helped by nature-based solutions in our towns and cities. This website page shares great examples of urban nature-based solutions in action.