Planting Trees in Small Spaces – the low plastic way
Tree planting season is here! This useful NHS Forest article (18 July 2024) is equally applicable if you are considering planting trees in school grounds or gardens. Check out their article on Low-plastic tree planting (11 June 2024) as well!
Hedge and living gate installed at a Surrey Primary School
Greenspace Scotland shared this news item by University of Surrey (10 November 2023). Researchers from the University of Surrey, ZERO Carbon Guildford, parents and residents’ groups came up with green infrastructure solutions to curb the effect of air pollution on children and staff at Sandfield Primary. A living green gate [...]
Would you like a more sustainable Festive season?
Check out positive ideas from Net Zero Nation by signing up for their newsletter, and take action.
Five tips for a sustainable Halloween
Are you planning spooky Halloween festivities? This article in the Conversation (16 October 2023) shares five tips to ensure you can give people a good fright without harming the environment.
Natural materials make a big difference
Read the latest blog post from School Outdoor Learning, about why natural materials benefit pupils’ learning and wellbeing. Links are provided to relevant studies and research.
Sign up for free Dirt is Good resources to support sustainable development goals
Looking for free resources that support students aged 7-14 to plan and deliver a social or environmental project in their school? The #DirtIsGoodProject offers a free library of resources to support you in guiding students through the process of planning and delivering their very own social action project, in line [...]
EUROPARC Webinar: Young people creating a just transition in rural areas
This event is now available to view via YouTube. Many young people who live in rural areas in and around Protected Areas feel they have no choice but to leave their homes to study and work elsewhere to gain the skills they need. With living costs being high, little to [...]
Giving young people a say in the future of our cities
This Child in the City article (30 May 2023) argues that “giving young people a say in the future of our cities is crucial for creating inclusive and sustainable urban environments”. Read more to discover eight ways to give young people a voice in shaping the future of our cities. [...]