Good nature – watch Kathy Willis via RSA REPLAY
Watch this replay of this event on YouTube, which explores the new science of how nature improves health, happiness and longevity. Professor Kathy Willis is a leading expert in biodiversity and former Director of Science at the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew. Join the RSA and discover groundbreaking insights on [...]
Natural materials make a big difference in play, learning and wellbeing
Read this blog post form School Outdoor Learning about why natural materials benefit pupils’ learning and wellbeing.
Smells in Nature and Landscape
Roddy Maclean looks at the Gaelic vocabulary for scents and odours, in this blog post by NatureScot (29 July 2024). Can you find Gaelic place or animal names for fragrant or stinky?
Forest bathing, public health and the senses
This paper describes research to evaluate which activities, elements of nature, and senses are responsible for improvements in well-being. It also monitors the emotional state and nature connection following guided forest bathing walks: A Multi-Country Study Assessing the Mechanisms of Natural Elements and Sociodemographics behind the Impact of Forest Bathing [...]
Do different amounts of nature exposure in childhood affect adult sensory processes?
This study examined the mediating role of sensory profiles in the relationships between childhood nature exposure, and adulthood nature relatedness and creativity. Results suggest that children with lower levels of nature exposure grow up to exhibit a high tendency to miss subtle sensory stimuli. In turn, this sensory processing pattern [...]