Wildfire and fire resources
Natural Resources Wales have created a great set of learning resources about Wildfires. The resources can support learners across a wide age range to investigate the causes and understand the impacts that wildfires have on the environment, wildlife, communities, and the local economy. In Scotland we also have The Scottish [...]
Education Scotland showcases Children’s Rights
Check out Education Scotland’s new webpage on Children’s Rights in Scotland.
Children’s Right to Play in Scots Law
Play Scotland report that the Children’s Right to Play was incorporated into Scots law on 16th January 2024. The full provisions will be enacted later in the year UNCRC Incorporation Scotland Act. See their latest report the STATE of PLAY in SCOTLAND 2023, which sets out the vision and current challenges.
Children’s rights for our planet
Child in the City share Six ways children’s rights can help create a cleaner, healthier planet for all (23 November 2023)
Children’s rights to outdoor play, and more, in Scotland.
Play Scotland have shared how Scotland is working to uphold children's right to play. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child issued recommendations to the UK and Scottish Government following its review of their children’s rights records last month. See this news item. The Committee’s recommendations include that [...]
World Environment Day 5 June 2023 – how is your learning for sustainability practice?
Education Scotland is encouraging educators to mark World Environment Day by taking a look at their Learning for Sustainability self-evaluation framework. Closely aligned to 'How Good is Our School 4', it is designed to help schools look inwards, outwards and forwards - a key approach to self-evaluation. It focuses on [...]
Our Rights, Our Planet Online Training
On 12 July 2022, Articolo12, Children’s Environmental Rights Initiative (CERI), Terre des Hommes (TdH) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched “Our Rights, Our Planet”. This offers free training for young people to learn about and stand up for their environmental rights! The training is available online and offline. [...]
New funding for Scottish schools to support them to learn about children’s rights
This Child in the City article (13 June 2022) has shared the news that the Scottish Government is providing funding to deliver UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools programme to 2,400 primary and secondary state schools across Scotland.