
17thDecember 2024

Plants for people and families

17.12.24|Categories: Places, Resources|Tags: , , , , |

Plantilfe share ways you can connect with nature, whether that's learning to ID wild plants, visiting a nature reserve or becoming a citizen scientist – with a host of ideas for the whole family, here. Many scientific studies show the benefits of connecting with nature for our physical and mental health. [...]

15thAugust 2024

Guidance for safe foraging

15.08.24|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , |

Foraging is a year-round activity which can be a great way to spend time in nature and learn about healthy foods. The Food Standards Agency shares this helpful guidance on foraging, to maximise the benefits while staying safe.

17thOctober 2023

Yarrow’s Achilles’ heel

17.10.23|Categories: Miscellaneous, Resources|Tags: , , , |

This Scottish Pollinators post (13 October 2023) shares interesting facts about yarrow. A popular plant with pollinators, yarrow also has medicinal uses, a myriad of local names, and a rich cultural history in ancient Greek, and Gaelic legend.