
17thDecember 2024

Peatland ACTION case studies on film

17.12.24|Categories: Places, Resources|Tags: , , , , , |

Interested in management to discover what goes on to restore our peatlands and the range of skills needed? Discover more about conservation land management and through this Peatland ACTION video series from NatureScot. You can also watch Filming Peatland ACTION case studies - behind the scenes - with subtitles to [...]

20thOctober 2022

The month of the stags – the red deer rut

20.10.22|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , , |

The evolving story of this iconic species in Scotland is a complex one. It is explored in this blog on Scotland’s Nature (20 October 2022). This also touches how our long connection with deer is reflected in the Gaelic language, and how deer impact on woodland in the landscape.

30thAugust 2022

The barriers to new entrants interested in agroecological farming and landwork careers

30.08.22|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , , , , , |

A new report has been announced (19 August 2022) on ‘The Attraction of Agroecology and the barriers faced by new entrants pursuing agroecological farming and landwork’. The recommendations include the need to build skills and knowledge by incorporating agroecological farming and food production into school curriculums and careers advice.