Be part of the LfS conversation! Session on 14 November, 16:00
The GTC Scotland Learning for Sustainability Hub offers a wonderful array of free resources - and the opportunity to get together online with other educators and speakers on a monthly basis. Sign up for the next session on 14 November (4- 515 pm). This session has a focus on 'Coaching and mentoring students: [...]
Teacher agency in school‐based climate change education
This report has been signposted by Learning for Sustainability Scotland (LfSS): Fostering teacher agency in school‐based climate change education in England, UK February 2024 Rushton, E. A. C., Dunlop, L., & Atkinson, L. The Curriculum Journal, 00, 1–16. Findings underline the importance of school structures (including school leadership) and culture [...]
Outdoor Learning Hub for initial teacher educators, and the wider community
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, share news about their new outdoor learning hub (20 September 2021). This will present outstanding opportunities for student teachers, local people and wider community across Scotland to come together in natural environments.