Foggie-toddlers and confusing history lessons
This Scottish Pollinators post (6 July 2023) looks at the challenge around the identification and naming of bumblebees, with a bit of history.
What’s that butterfly (or moth)?
UK Butterflies share images from butterfly enthusiasts on what’s flying this week. Butterfly Conservation share an A-Z list of butterflies. Don’t forget the wonderful world of moths either!
Discovering plants
Check out these informative blog posts shared by the Grow Wild news team: What leaves reveal about wildflowers Why wildflowers smell UK native plants: The meaning and the misconceptions You've sowed your what?
How well do you know your wildflowers and pollinators?
Take Grow Wild’s new wildflower quiz and share your results! Find out more about the role of beetles and butterflies in pollination.
Plantlife spring events programme
Plantlife are offering mix of talks and workshops covering plant identification, conservation, arts and culture throughout February, through their digital events series Spring into action with Plantlife.
How to identify wildflowers
Grow Wild share top tips in this blog, wildflower gallery and other resources.