Iona’s divine inspiration
This Scottish Pollinators post (16 November 2023) shares successful nature-friendly steps being taken around one of Scotland’s most famous historic and spiritual sites, Iona Abbey. These grass management regimes could easily be replicated in school grounds and local greenspaces to enhance biodiversity.
Young Scot NEC holders can access historic places for just £1!
Young people’s money can go further this year, thanks to an initiative between the National Trust for Scotland, Historic Environment Scotland and Historic Houses, which offers £1 entry to Young Scot National Entitlement Card (NEC) holders.
Historic Environment Grants Programme
Check out this information on Historic Environment Scotland’s funding for projects and activities relating to Scotland’s historic environment. Eligible projects and criteria include Outreach and learning.
Apps to explore historic sites and the impacts of the climate crisis
Historic Environment Scotland’s free apps help you plan your adventures in Scotland and explore their sites in a new, interactive way. Check out the recently launched Climate Change Explorer app that allows users to discover how unique historic places in Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site are being impacted by the climate [...]
Photographic competition for your visions of climate heritage
Budding photographers! Why not take part in Historic Environment Scotland' s Visions of Climate Heritage competition? This was launched in response to the climate emergency. Prizes include Young Creative Awards for those aged between 12-17 years. The deadline for entries for the competition is 5pm on Tuesday 30 November 2021.