
20thOctober 2022

B-lines in Scotland

20.10.22|Categories: Places, Resources|Tags: , , , , |

Buglife share information on “Strathmore B-Lines - People & Pollinators in Strathmore”. This is an exciting new Buglife project which aims to restore 20 hectares of grassland and nectar rich habitats, at 20 sites between Dunkeld and Montrose. This webpage includes an ‘Introduction to pollinators’ video. If you are a [...]

17thMay 2022

B-lines Scotland – is there a B-line near you?

17.05.22|Categories: Places, Resources|Tags: , , , , , , |

Buglife have created over 50 pollinator hotspots along the B-lines route, and more are planned. Check out the activity going on in Scotland. Is there anything happening near you? Look at the B-lines map to see where more needs doing. This article in The Conversation (12 May 2022), explores ‘Bee [...]

7thDecember 2021

One in four UK bird species now endangered

07.12.21|Categories: Research|Tags: , , , |

This article in the Conversation (1 December 2021) highlights the gloomy news that house martin, swift and greenfinch have joined the red list of the UK’s most endangered birds. The data on the UK’s breeding and wintering birds reflects the work led by thousands of citizen scientists, environmental charities and [...]

23rdNovember 2021

A greener Glasgow

23.11.21|Categories: Miscellaneous, Places|Tags: , , , |

This Scottish Pollinators post (18 November 2021) describes Green Connectors, a five-year project to create valuable habitat links throughout the city for pollinators (and other wildlife).  This will nurture wildflower meadows, hedges and tree planting in a jigsaw of appropriate sites.