Nature Me Booklet
Check out this Nature and me booklet produced by the National Trust in partnership with the University of Derby. It shares five ways to strengthen the relationship between people and nature. This short guide suggests how to get closer to nature and the benefits this can bring. It aims to [...]
A Green Careers guide – green careers week
EAUC Scotland share their new resource How to find a job that's good for you and the planet - a Green Careers Guide. This guide is written with students in mind but will be relevant for anyone interested in a career that supports a more sustainable future. The guide takes [...]
Practitioner Guide to Assessing Connection to Nature
This very useful guide provides a “one-stop shop” for the range of approaches which can be used for measuring nature connections and the impact of engagement programmes, activities and events. There are a range of measures described, designed for different purposes. This guide helps the practitioner to select the best [...]
COP26: a four-minute guide by a climate scientist
Check out this straightforward summary in the Conversation (1st November 2021).
Countdown to COP – Primary and BGE guides
These practical guides for Primary and Broad General Education (BGE) have been developed to provide practitioners with an overview of the Countdown to COP offer and the material available for learners to engage with. It covers five themes: 1.Nature 2.Finance 3. Clean Transport 4. Energy Transition 5. Adaptation and Resilience.