
7thFebruary 2024

The Learning Conversations, Learning for Sustainability

07.02.24|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , , , |

Join Gillian Hamilton, Interim Chief Executive of Education Scotland in this new series of conversations about education. Explore a range of different topics over the series, whether you are a parent, pupil or education practitioner. In this podcast, she explores Learning for Sustainability with Ian Menzies Senior Education Officer for [...]

28thNovember 2023

Conversations within the education community on climate change

28.11.23|Categories: Resources|Tags: , , , , |

TEESNet (Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability) have shared this online ET (Elephant Times) magazine. Elephant Times 4.2 Seeking Conversations Education and Climate Crisis aspires to stimulate conversations within the education community and with those concerned about, or campaigning on, climate issues.  It highlights the needs of learners, the role [...]

10thJanuary 2023

UK woodland management horizon scan

10.01.23|Categories: Miscellaneous, Research|Tags: , , , , |

In this blog post on Finding Nature (January 9, 2023) Professor Miles Richardson describes this ongoing horizon scan which aims to identify ‘emerging issues and opportunities affecting woodland management in the UK over the next 50 years’. As part of this exercise, Prof. Richardson welcomes comments on how the social, [...]

15thNovember 2022

Wee Forest takes root at Queen Margaret University’s Outdoor Learning Hub

15.11.22|Categories: Places|Tags: , , , , , |

Wee Forests provide a great resource for Outdoor Learning and for STEM learning outdoors. NatureScot provided funding to establish a Wee Forest at Queen Margaret University's Outdoor Learning Hub in 2022.  This means every year hundreds of undergraduate school teachers learn about the benefits of teaching outdoors. Check out this [...]

3rdNovember 2022

Learning for Sustainability & the National Discussion on Education 7th November 2022, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

03.11.22|Categories: Events|Tags: , , , , |

What are the most important priorities for a future education system? Join Learning for Sustainability Scotland  and Professor Alma Harris, co-facilitator of the National Discussion, for this opportunity to hear more about, discuss and feed into one of the most important discussions on the direction of Scottish education in recent [...]