East Lothian completes Play Sufficiency Assessments
The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced new duties on planning authorities to assess the sufficiency of outdoor play opportunities for children and young people in their area and use the assessments to inform their Local Development Plan. Greenspace Scotland have shared the news that East Lothian is one of the [...]
The LOST February newsletter is out now!
Term Three Learning Outdoors Support Team (LOST) newsletter includes ideas for the term ahead, updates to the LOST ASN lesson plan page and resources, and ideas and research from a variety of organisations - all in one place!
Piloting a Transformative Evaluation approach – with an East Ayrshire P6 class and teacher
Read about a transformative evaluation approach that captures the impact of learning outdoors. The John Muir Award is used to inspire action for wild places, and narrow the poverty related attainment gap through improving young people’s health, literacy, and numeracy. You can also find the school case study here.
Heritage Hero Awards – a Primary School case study
The latest LOST newsletter #42 from East Ayrshire includes a new Heritage Hero case study. This illustrates work done by Drongan Primary School pupils on the theme of 'Our Village'. Check out the LOST newsletter for winter season ideas and resources - catch up here.
Nature supports wellbeing and attainment in East Ayrshire schools
NatureScot and The John Muir Trust share how they are Connecting people and nature through the #MakeSpaceForNature campaign in East Ayrshire schools.