Wild places help narrow East Ayrshire’s poverty-related attainment gap
This news article (2 March 2023) celebrates achievements from a six year John Muir Award partnership between East Ayrshire Council and John Muir Trust. Read about how a dedicated role focused on the John Muir Award as an intervention helped close the poverty-related attainment gap. The role formed part of [...]
Outdoor learning videos to re-invigorate you!
In their content packed January 2023 e-bulletin (issue 54), East Ayrshire’s LOST team remind us about these 2 great videos. Grab a cuppa and enjoy! For all ages and stages, Outdoor Learning in Scottish Education With case studies of particular interest to Secondary Schools, check out Outdoor Learning the extended [...]
Resources to support residential visits
EAC LOST share a useful webpage on websites which support residentials.