Skills delivery independent review – apprentice session – and the education context
This Skills Delivery Review complements the programme of work that is underway to reform Scotland’s education landscape which includes a national discussion on a vision for school education, the creation of three new education bodies, the independent review of qualifications and assessment and the development of a purpose and principles for post-school [...]
Learning for Sustainability & the National Discussion on Education 7th November 2022, 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
What are the most important priorities for a future education system? Join Learning for Sustainability Scotland and Professor Alma Harris, co-facilitator of the National Discussion, for this opportunity to hear more about, discuss and feed into one of the most important discussions on the direction of Scottish education in recent [...]
Let’s Talk Scottish Education – invitation from the Scottish Government
The Scottish Government is inviting everyone who has an interest in the future of our education system to join the National Discussion. Have your voice heard and help develop a vision for the future of education in Scotland. What kind of education, skills, knowledge and support do you think young people [...]
Scotland’s Biodiversity Strategy Consultation – have your say!
Scotland’s biodiversity is in crisis. The Scottish Government is proposing an ambitious new strategy to halt biodiversity loss by 2030 and reverse it by 2045. We need your views on our ideas for how we make this happen. Learn more and get involved in the consultation. The consultation closes on 12 [...]
Children and young people’s views sought for open space and play consultation
Play Scotland are seeking your views on the consultation for Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessments Regulations, particularly if you work with children and young people. Alongside the online consultation, tailored consultation packs suitable for children and young people are available on request. Children and young people can also [...]
Your views matter – Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessment – Scottish Government consultation on draft Regulations #OSSPSA
The Scottish Government consultation on the draft Regulations on Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessment has been published (17 December 2021). This consultation seeks feedback from those who will use the legislation, plus other interested parties and the wider public. The consultation will run until 31st March 2022 (in [...]