Nectar in flowers – what’s in it?
Many plants entice flower visitors with an irresistible reward: nectar. This article in Scottish Pollinators (19 May 2022), ‘A bitter-sweet medication’ explores the complex chemistry of nectar, and how these chemicals can help or hinder plant eaters and pollinators.
Evaluating the impact of climate emergency career-long professional learning (CLPL) for primary teachers in Scotland to enable sustainable learning
This open access article by member Dr Stephen Hendry (in the Association of Science Education School Science Review No.383) reflects on the impact of delivering career-long professional learning (CLPL) to Scottish primary teachers (teaching pupils aged 5–11 years), in the context of the climate emergency. It draws on teachers’ reflections, while recommendations include building [...]
Green Shoots: A Sustainable Chemistry Curriculum for a Sustainable Planet
This report by the Royal Society of Chemistry sets out priorities for chemistry education on sustainability and climate change identified by young people, educators, and practicing chemists in industry and academia.
12 ways to teach sustainability in chemistry
The Royal Society of Chemistry share activities, ideas and curriculum-linked resources developed by teachers and based on the UN's sustainable development goals. Outdoor learning in the real word context can add value to these activities.