One in four UK bird species now endangered
This article in the Conversation (1 December 2021) highlights the gloomy news that house martin, swift and greenfinch have joined the red list of the UK’s most endangered birds. The data on the UK’s breeding and wintering birds reflects the work led by thousands of citizen scientists, environmental charities and [...]
Scotland’s birds – Gaelic myths and omens
Scotland’s Nature (23 November 2021) article ‘Birds of Premonition’, explores how the Gaels traditionally viewed bird behaviour as predictors of future events.
Take joy in watching birds
This nature prescription applies to everyone, including schools. Find out more in this Finding Nature blog post (19 November 2021).
Sea eagle chick hatched in east Cairngorms National Park
Good news for breeding birds of prey, in this Cairngorms National Park news item (6th July 2021)
Naming the birds
Did you know that there are over 7,000 English names for birds? This article in The Conversation (18 June, 2021) explores how we name birds teaches us about our changing relationship with nature.