Words of the Wild Resources
Youthlink Scotland share the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Words of the Wild resources and lesson plans. Discover the SWT Resource Pack and transport your students or group members to the wilds of Scotland! Participating in the sessions offers a great way to meet the objectives of the Scottish Studies Award.
Calling all youth ages 8-18, and educators!
Do you enjoy writing, art and photography? Can you use your skills to highlight the importance of biodiversity on land and under water and promote global sustainability? These are the Sustainable Development Goals 14 & 15 - Life below Water, and Life on Land. Check out previous entries in the [...]
The Art of Conservation
In this Species on the Edge blog, North Coast officer, Louise, reflects on her experience when she joined forces with Plantlife’s artist in residence, Lisa Gardner, to explore the relationships between art and nature. This is an approach which could work well with people supporting children and young people to [...]
Making Gall inks – nature and creative art
The Forest School Association (FSA) shared this webpage with historical information about making inks from galls. An unusual activity for creative art linking nature indoors and out.
Play in all Seasons Art Competition – Calling all teachers!
Play Scotland invite you to submit art with the theme - Play in all Seasons - and win £100 in vouchers for your school or nursery. Email scans or photos (preferred option) of any artwork to info@playscotland.org or post to us at Play Scotland, 8b Macdonald Road, Edinburgh, EL7 4LZ, [...]
Creative Freedom for wild places – can you share your vision?
The John Muir Trust is inviting writers, photographers, sculptors, videographers, podcasters, pupils, students and outdoor enthusiasts to share their creative vision of "freedom for wild places".
Early years explore nature, art and culture outdoors
The Children and Nature Network share news (July 2023) on how a nature preschool in South Carolina, USA, partnered with local Latinx organizations. Together, they guide students in creating “alebrijes” — a traditional Mexican art form involving the carving of wood into imaginative or mythical creatures. Check out the story [...]
Creative responses to art and nature
Check out the Wild Escape Project, which connects art and nature. Find a museum or gallery near you, and explore teacher resources. This project supports children and young people to develop collective digital artwork and interact with natural themes.