Saving Scotland’s Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAAR)
Discover how to get involved to help monitor and conserve Scotland’s amphibians and reptiles with SAAR. Find out more about amphibians and reptiles in Scotland, and citizen science opportunities. This includes spotting grass snakes in Scotland.
Schools get busy with Saving Scotland’s Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAAR)
The latest Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC) e-bulletin includes news about Saving Scotland's Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAAR) SSAAR is out with schools, community groups and at events all summer. Champhibians, Scotland’s school citizen science scheme, is growing, with support from partners at the Highland Council Ranger Service. The Tadpole [...]
Mini biodiversity lesson: Build a Pond with FrogLife
Keep Scotland Beautiful share a series of biodiversity live lessons. These shorter sessions for your class or Eco-Committee featuring the work of experts and organisations, and how to support biodiversity. These are designed with upper primary in mind but are suitable for all ages. This pond session is led by [...]
Take part in the PondNet Spawn Survey!
Do you have a pond or ditch in or close to your school grounds or local area? Help the Freshwater Habitats Trust map amphibian breeding activity across the UK. Find out more here.
What’s hopping with our Scottish amphibians?
This Scotland’s Nature blog (18 January 2024) is written by NatureScot's new amphibian and reptile adviser. Catherine Whatley explores the fascinating world of frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and snakes. Can you make your school grounds or gardens more amphibian friendly in 2024?
Spotted any frog or toad spawn yet?
If you are lucky enough to have a pond in your school grounds, or locally, why not take part in the PondNet Spawn Survey 2023? This survey takes place January until May, to collect important data on the location of breeding frogs and toads across the country. You can also [...]
Champhibians -a citizen science project where schools adopt ponds
Champhibians is a pond adoption scheme for schools run by ARC Trust. Ponds are valuable homes for amphibians, the adults return to ponds to mate in spring and ponds provide a nursery for the metamorphosis from tadpole to adult though the year. Without ponds we would not have amphibians such [...]
FREE workshops to discover more about Scotland’s amphibians and reptiles
Saving Scotland's Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR) are offering FREE 1 hour workshops on an Introduction to surveying Scotland's amphibians (9 February 2022) and an Introduction to surveying Scotland's reptiles (16th Feb 2022). These might be of interest to secondary/ tertiary level students, teachers and members of the public. There are [...]