Published by NatureScot


Engagement with wee forests and greenspace in Dundee – NatureScot report 1363


NatureScot has published this report.

University of Dundee carried out this study on behalf of NatureScot during January to March 2024. The study explores the educative, health and wellbeing use and value of Wee Forest sites and additional local green spaces from the perspectives of primary school teachers plus staff at two medical practices in Dundee.

The research team mapped the location of all schools relative to Wee Forests and local green spaces in Dundee.

The findings indicated that six schools from a total of 33 primary schools in Dundee are within a 20-minute walk of a Wee Forest. A further 23 schools are within a 20-minute walk of a local green space. Additional walking time distance statistics are available for all remaining Dundee Primary schools.

The main use of local green spaces related to physical activity and sport, wellbeing or social activities. It was more likely to use Wee Forests for curricular activities incorporating biodiversity and child led nature enquiry.

Barriers to using Wee Forests and local green spaces related to time (travel time and curricula time), resources, supervision, knowledge and transport. Better information and coordination could help to overcome some of these barriers.

An additional finding related to the ways in which community stakeholders involved in the Wee Forests develop or become part of community networks that include community gardens and allotments. The study revealed community enthusiasm for growing, for biodiversity and sharing food, and evidence of reciprocal community support.

The report makes recommendations for planting more Wee Forests in Dundee and exploring these themes further. 

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