Scottish Forestry

25thMay 2023

Sensory Woodland Stories


To support outdoor play and learning in woodland, OWL Scotland has developed this range of simple and inspiring education story resources for children with complex additional needs. Scripts and suggested props to allow for extra engagement and flexibility to suit the children you are working with. The Storytelling Tips and Origins resource [...]

14thOctober 2021

Scottish Forestry Community Fund


The Scottish Forestry Community Fund is open for 2021/22. The Fund supports groups and organisations that encourage people to use woods more. Eligible activities include schemes that promote physical activity such as walking, safe routes to school, natural play and adventure play.

14thJanuary 2021

STEM by Nature, Trees, Woods & Forests online course 4th February 2021


This 2 hour course offered by John Muir Trust and Outdoor and Woodland Learning Scotland will run from 4pm - 6pm. It will introduce and explore what is meant by ‘STEM By Nature’ and how Trees, Woods and Forests can offer a rich source of information, resources and activities in [...]

29thOctober 2020

Tree pests and diseases information series for young people


The Tree Pest and Disease Information Series has user friendly information about 8 key pest and disease threats to Scottish trees, produced to mark International Year of Plant Health. They can be used in schools or with children and young people in other settings to raise awareness about tree health.

21stAugust 2020

OWL Scotland Resources Flyer – August 2020


Education resources from OWL Scotland summarised in this handy leaflet. This includes details of how to order free publications for your school or group.

28thJuly 2020

Deadgood deadwood information and survey


Environmental community groups, schools and nature enthusiasts can join this Scotland-wide survey to find out more about deadwood in Scotland. Scottish Forestry is working with TCV Scotland to promote this survey which will record details of deadwood across the country and its associated wildlife. The survey has been developed by [...]

21stMay 2020

Wee Green Fingers Fun Pack


This pack full of games and activities to explore gardening for biodiversity is now available on the OWL Scotland website (as a zipped file), listed under Early Years resources.