Family Outdoor Learning: Play, Plant Protect: a multi-sensory adventure 28 October 2021
Join this Creative Conversation with Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. This online event is aimed at practitioners and staff across all sectors who are involved in supporting children and families. The event takes place Thursday 28th October 2021 16:00 – 17:00 Follow the link for further information and booking.
Marley’s School of Garden Magic
This range of free online home school activities is aligned with the Scottish curriculum. Topics cover science, expressive arts, health and wellbeing and many more. This is aimed at Primary level, but the materials will be of interest to anyone of any age who is curious about the natural world. [...]
Nature Play: Nature Conservation Final Report February 2015
This research builds on the Edinburgh Beltane project led by Dr. Jenny Roe from OPEN Space/Heriot Watt University which began to investigate opportunities for and barriers to nature play by young children and their carers, from the local community within a designated play area. The current project looks in more [...]
Connect to Nature Conference Friday 7th June 2019 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
This conference is for practitioners and partners in the fields of creative arts, nature and health. In collaboration with Art in Healthcare, it will explore the relationships between creativity, nature and health. For more information on the day's programme and how to book tickets, open the eventbrite link below.
Nurturing Nature Play in Scotland Seminar –featuring Richard Louv – Friday 21 September, Edinburgh
Play Scotland’s 20th Anniversary takes place at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. Seminar speakers include: author, Richard Louv; Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Children and Young People; Samuel Williams, Landscape Architect, ARUP; Cath Denholm, Scottish Natural Heritage; Sue Palmer, Upstart Scotland; Marguerite Hunter Blair, CEO, Play Scotland. For booking and [...]
The Lost Words Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 9 May – 2 Sept 2018
Visit this free exhibition at Inverleith House, to view a unique collaborative project between writer Robert Macfarlane and artist Jackie Morris. Taking the form of both an exhibition and a book, The Lost Words celebrates the relationship between language and the living world, and of nature’s power to spark the [...]
Lichen workshop 24th February 2017 John Hope Gateway, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Aimed at outdoor leaders and facilitators for use with community groups and school groups, this workshop will be about learning to use a simple explorative survey around lichens growing on trees. Outdoor leaders can use this to engage groups in exploring their local environment and what lichens can tell us [...]
CALEDON tree health game
This free educational game is all about tree health and the ways in which resilience to pests and diseases can be increased. Players aim to keep their forest thriving whilst meeting specific objectives (CfE Levels 3 & 4). Follow the link below to play and download for free. Why not [...]