
20thApril 2021


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit. Amet facilisis magna etiam tempor orci eu. Sapien eget mi proin sed libero enim sed. Dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus. [...]

12thAugust 2020

Our Natural Health Service – SNH Research Report No. 1212 (2020)


Outdoor learning and play are recognised as activities within green health/ green exercise. Scottish Natural Heritage commissioned Edinburgh Napier University to undertake a series of research interviews with those involved in Green Health Partnerships at an operational and strategic level to explore their experience of delivery to date and their [...]

28thJuly 2020

Deadgood deadwood information and survey


Environmental community groups, schools and nature enthusiasts can join this Scotland-wide survey to find out more about deadwood in Scotland. Scottish Forestry is working with TCV Scotland to promote this survey which will record details of deadwood across the country and its associated wildlife. The survey has been developed by [...]

30thJune 2020

Scotland’s Landscape Alliance


The Scottish Landscape Alliance (SLA) is a grouping of over 60 organisations with a common interest in raising awareness of the importance of Scotland’s landscapes to climate resilience and biodiversity, our economic performance and public health and wellbeing. This website celebrates the relationship between people and place, and provides relevant [...]

30thJune 2020

Landscape infographic for Scotland


This infographic illustrates some of the evidence for the importance of Scotland's landscapes. It is relevant for Scottish Natural Heritage's work, Scottish Government's National Outcomes and Scottish society as a whole.

30thJune 2020

Landscapes of Scotland


This Landscapes of Scotland map unites the physical fabric of our towns, countryside, hills, glens and coasts with the human and cultural aspects of place and history. It has been designed to highlight the variety that occurs in even a small country, and to make communication about landscape issues easier. [...]